Upcoming trainings
Birth Doula – 21 & 22 September and 5 & 6 October 2024
There are very few limitations to who can attend our trainings. We ask only that you come pure of heart and open in mind.
Newly born mothers/parents and babies, whilst greatly cherished, need to still be home babymooning so attendance is not possible.
Nursing parents of older infants also need to weigh the benefits of postponing the desire to train till their little ones are weened or able to be separated from their parent for a period of time.
The workshop is a time of contemplation, inner exploration and deep connection to oneself and to those training with you as well as with the facilitator. It is advised that you enrol only if you are able to commit this time to yourself away from family, work and other life matters on the days of the training.
Trainings are held in English and whilst my Finnish skills can suffice to explain some simple things or understand most questions asked, I cannot yet teach in Finnish. The workshop is also for international travellers so the language medium chosen is English, however perfect English is not a requirement. Passable knowledge and ability to communicate simply is sufficient.
Our workshops are limited to the space where we offer the training so early bookings are highly recommended. The cost of each workshop includes the workshop, manuals, refreshments unless otherwise stated. If there is still space late comers will be accommodated up until 1 day before the workshop begins.
Early bird prices are available until the date specified. Applicants that pay the full fee before or by the date receive a larger discount whilst those paying a deposit of €300 will receive a smaller discount. This is applicable to each individual workshop.
Please do not hesitate to ask us how we can help you to achieve your dreams. We do accommodate payment plans to help anyone achieve their dream of becoming a doula.
We also offer greater discounts if you register for more than one workshop at a time.
The Birth Doula training is a 4 day training + 1 online session (that will be decided on together as a group).
Location is in Laajasalo, Helsinki and this training is limited to 8 participants.
Our upcoming training is scheduled for 21 & 22 September and 5 & 6 October 2024.
-Early bird price – €800 full upfront payment by 10 September 2024. Use discount code SSBD100EB
-Deposit price – €850 when paying a deposit of €425 by 10 September 2024 – the balance of €425 to be paid before the training begins. Use discount code SSBD50D for both payments.
-Full price – €900 if paying by deadline.
-Registration deadline – 18 September 2024.
If you need a payment plan to help you join us on this training please definitely contact us and we will help you. If registering for a second training as well we will offer a further €50 discount as well.
Complete registration and payment to secure your place.
Please read our cancellation policy here.
The Menarche Doula training is a 3 day workshop.
Location is in Laajasalo, Helsinki and this training is limited to 8 participants.
Our upcoming training is scheduled for TBA
-Early bird price – €450 full upfront payment
-Deposit price – €500 when paying a deposit of €250 before the early bird deadline – the balance of €250 to be paid before the training begins. Use discount code *** for both payments.
-Full price – €600 if paying before the training.
If you need a payment plan to help you join us on this training please definitely contact us and we will help you.If registering for a second training as well we will offer a further €50 discount as well.
Complete registration and payment to secure your place.
Please read our cancellation policy here.
Motherhood/Parenthood Doula Training
The Motherhood/Parenthood Postpartum Doula training is a 3 day workshop.
Location is in Laajasalo, Helsinki and this training is limited to 8 participants.
Our upcoming training is scheduled for TBA
-Early bird price – €450 full upfront payment
-Deposit price – €500 when paying a deposit of €250 before the early bird deadline – the balance of €250 to be paid before the training begins. Use discount code *** for both payments.
-Full price – €600 if paying before the training.
If you need a payment plan to help you join us on this training please definitely contact us and we will help you.If registering for a second training as well we will offer a further €50 discount as well.
Complete registration and payment to secure your place.
Please read our cancellation policy here.
The Menopause Doula training is a 3 day workshop.
Location is in Laajasalo, Helsinki and this training is limited to 8 participants.
Our upcoming training is scheduled for TBA
-Early bird price – €450 full upfront payment
-Deposit price – €500 when paying a deposit of €250 before the early bird deadline – the balance of €250 to be paid before the training begins. Use discount code *** for both payments.
-Full price – €600 if paying before the training.
If you need a payment plan to help you join us on this training please definitely contact us and we will help you.If registering for a second training as well we will offer a further €50 discount as well.
Complete registration and payment to secure your place.
Please read our cancellation policy here.
The Death Doula training is a 3 day workshop.
Location is in Laajasalo, Helsinki and this training is limited to 8 participants.
Our upcoming training is scheduled for TBA
-Early bird price – €700 full upfront payment
-Deposit price – €750 when paying a deposit of €375 by the early bird deadline – the balance of €375 to be paid before the training begins. Use discount code *** for both payments.
-Full price – €800 if paying before the training.
If you need a payment plan to help you join us on this training please definitely contact us and we will help you. If registering for a second training as well we will offer a further €50 discount as well.
Complete registration and payment to secure your place.
Please read our cancellation policy here.