Birth Doula Philosophy
We believe that birth is a profound rite of passage and that it is indeed a sacred space. This sacred space should be protected and nurtured. Sacred Space doulas are mentored to recognise this space and to discover how to best protect and nurture it as well as the parents in it. Sacred space doulas know and believe that birth belongs to the pregnant person who is bringing their unborn child into the world. They will assist the pregnant person and their partner to completely own and cherish this time. Sacred space doulas will hold the space whilst allowing the experiences to unfold.
Training has been provided for all those that wished to hold this space for parents as they unfold into new, strong family units. Each candidate is mentored through their training so that when they complete their certification, they are confident and assured of offering only the best sthey are capable of.
Sacred Space doulas are encouraged to explore other aspects connected to their field of interest and to continuously broaden their horizons and viewpoints. Each Sacred Space doula makes a commitment first to themself then to those parents that engage their services to provide accurate and unbiased information so as to empower themselves and those they are serving.
If a Sacred Space doula feels they are not living their commitment they are able to turn to other experienced doulas for mentoring and advice. There will always be someone to hold a Sacred Space doulas hand as they hold the hand of others they assist.
Sacred Space doulas experience first hand, from the training through to certification, the same level of commitment and dedication that is expected of them with their clients.